The Facts:At its last meeting, Student Senate modified a bill regulating the organization’s surplus funds policy.
Our Opinion:The new policy from the 89th Senate session is a step in the right direction, but it must be more expansive. Senate should mandate that every single dollar goes toward student organizations.At its last meeting of the semester, Student Senate modified a bill from the 89th Senate session involving the distribution of surplus funds. The bill is a great step in the right direction for Student Government accountability, but it doesn’t fully address the issue of surplus funds.Student Senate’s appropriations are students’ money and should be returned to them, in full, every year — end of story. The funds Student Government receives through the fee allocation process are intended for campus organizations and the finance of campus initiatives. Hence, why SG officials and senators are elected campus leaders, tasked with the powerful role of representing students’ interests in the reallocation process — among other tasks. The money shouldn’t be spent on meeting snacks, office supplies or rebranding campaigns, it must be allocated to students.While the bill certainly serves as a means to correct some of this, it still allows for the possibility of waste and what essential amounts to fraud.Not allocating all of students’ fee money back to them and their organizations is fraudulent and robs campus groups of the funding they need and deserve.If the Senate can’t allocate all of it, the deliberative body must take to the streets and beat down the doors of every student organization until the funding is completely gone. As student senate president, Stephen Kouba can play a role in this and fulfill one of his campaign promises.Take Student Senate meetings out of the high tower in the Senate Chambers and go out into the Brickyard, the campus’ lounges or the library. Show students what Student Government is, what it stands for and where they can find their student fee money.Not allocating every penny — even if it’s not spent erroneously, as on a rebranding campaign — provides an image of deception and politicking.This isn’t the image the new Senate should want to send, and it should be the group’s goal to not have a single penny left in its coffers at the end of next year; students would be getting their fair share and SG would fulfill its promise of “Students First.”