The current generation is connected, confident and open to change, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center.The report profiles the “Millennial generation,” or adults aged 18 to 29, and studi es demographics, political and social values and technology and social media habits.The report compares its findings on the Millennial generation to those of the three other living generations — Generation X, ages 30-45, Baby Boomers, ages 46-64, and the Silent generation, ages 65 and above.Each generation has a personality, and Millennials are confident, self-expressive, liberal and open to change, the Pew Group said.One of the strongest findings in the report is Millennials are the first “always connected” generation.Eight in 10 of those surveyed said they sleep with a cell phone by their bed and three-quarters say they’ve created a profile on a social networking Web site.Pre-nursing freshman Marissa Darr said while she never leaves home without a cell phone, her parents always forget theirs.But interior design senior Meredith Hom said other generations are also proficient technology.”Its not that other generations aren’t open to technology too,” Hom said. “My dad knows more about computers than I do.”The report found Millennials are confident about the future despite the economic downturn.”I think confidence comes from being more accepting of change,” Darr said.Eighty-eight percent are confident they’ll earn enough money in the future while only 31 percent feel they earn enough now.”I think everyone is too wrapped up in the superficial,” said interior design sophomore Caroline Russell. “They’re not looking that far ahead.”Millennials are also more confident in the government than other generations.”I think that while we want change, we’re not sure what specifically how to change it,” Russell said.The report found Millennials are the least overtly religious of the living generations.One in four Millennials are unaffiliated with a religion, the survey said.”Being dogmatic limits perspective, but I think I’m more spiritual now than I used to be,” said economics sophomore Joey Haynes.The survey also examined lifestyle habits. Exercise plays a larger role in the lives of Millennials than other generations.Fifty-six percent of Millennials said they participated in rigorous exercise in the last 24 hours, the survey said.”While that is true for a lot of people, I think the motive is different,” Hom said. “It’s not to be healthier, I think it’s a very ‘in’ thing to do.”Going green is another trend most Millennials follow, according to the report.Seven in 10 Millennials recycle paper, plastic or glass at home, the survey said.”I grew up with recycling,” said international trade and finance freshman Carolina Gomez. “For example, my school always celebrated Earth Day and promoted recycling.”—-Contact Grace Montgomery at [email protected].
Millenials more connected than previous generations
April 28, 2010