Reading Chad Rhoades’ article titled “The Pursuit of Happiness” in Monday’s paper got me thinking. While I agreed with Rhoades’ whining baby comparison to the average American, I didn’t see his solution panning out too well. Only a partially rotten child would eventually see the error of its ways and begin appreciating life for what it offers instead of kicking and screaming for more candy. No bona fide brat would ever to succumb to being a sucker while the candy keeps coming in, and Americans are no suckers.
So, what could happen to change the citizens of the United States? This question prompts a depressing possibility.
When the whiny little baby continues to get candy by kicking and screaming for it, nothing gets accomplished. You have to take privileges and rewards away for the child to learn appreciation. The same thing sadly may have to happen to us.
The most depressing part is we kind of deserve it. While many people in the world starve, the United States has obesity and anorexia. Most people would give their life to have a democracy like ours, yet most of you reading this do not vote. Everyone complains but no one wants to do anything more than sign a petition or make a Facebook group. What a bunch of jerks.
Americans still have all the tools for greatness and continue to do nothing with them. To think people have the nerve to complain about our politicians. Sure they are a bunch of liars and thieves, but they are just a product of a society consumed with apathy and idleness.
I hope this isn’t the case but it certainly seems that it’s going to have to get worse before it gets better. Are we going to have to be stripped of the luxuries and comforts that we all take for granted before we decide it’s time to aggressively take control of our country? I hope not. November would be a good time to start caring.
Paul Horner
junior, English