The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution outlines the mission statement and the goals of the seven-article document that forms our country. However, the most important article for the citizens of the country is the first amendment of the Bill of Rights:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Simply said, this article allows citizens basic freedoms that would not be guaranteed otherwise. As students, we need to remember we have these freedoms and should never take them for granted.
The University built Witherspoon Student Center in 1991 and it functions as a movie theatre, the African American Cultural Center, and office space for Student Government and Student Media. The movie theater shows movies about a broad range of topics and goes relatively uncensored. It also functions as a classroom where forums and events, despite being controversial occasionally, are hosted. Also, congregations of a variety of religions meet there every Sunday morning. The African American Cultural Center houses the African Student Union, African American Heritage Society, various African American fraternities and sororities and other organizations. Student Government conducts business and holds legislative sessions in the senate chambers. Student Media produces papers, videos, photos and broadcasts their choice of music. Without the first, thirteenth and fourteenth amendments, this building and all of the organizations within it would be at the mercy of administrative powers and would not have a simple basis to function for the service of students.
The University also provides space for the Free Expression Tunnel. Students can write and post whatever they want to, up to racial and sexual slurs. Students groups, no matter what they stand for or want to talk about, are welcome to post flyers and peaceably meet in any room they can arrange. Both of these functions are allowed and restricted by the first amendment.
Few people and countries around the world enjoy the same freedoms we do everyday. Even as college students, we possess more freedoms than most. We should never forget we have these freedoms and should exercise and honor them every chance we get.