I had the unique opportunity to study abroad this summer with the University’s Business in China program.During that time, I had the privilege of talking and debating with hundreds of fascinating people from around the globe.But by far the most fascinating debate I had was with a young Beijing student named Annyong.The topic of our debate was pretty straightforward: Which government was more corrupt, China or the U.S.?To expedite things, we agreed to limit the time frame to only include incidents from the past 30 years.Annyong started the debate by presenting his case, citing numerous social injustices and cover-ups ranging from Tiananmen Square to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.Once Annyong finished his fiery polemic, I told him I respected his argument but humbly disagreed. America might be falling behind China in every notable statistical category. But, God bless us, political corruption isn’t one of them.Let’s start with former President George W. Bush. In spite of campaigning on a friendly, non-aggressive foreign policy, the mercurial Dubya laid a giant mud dragon on the Constitution in order to start — not just one — but two ill-planned wars of aggression.Nearly a decade later, America has incited a new generation of “terrorists,” Iraq is in ruins and thousands of innocent civilians lie dead. Oh, by the way, no WMDs were found.Or as Dubya put it: “Mission accomplished.”And what was the price tag for this illusive “victory,” Bob Barker? About $1 trillion, much of which was either printed or borrowed from — you guessed it — China.But the carnage doesn’t stop there. In America, unjust war mongering is an easily transferable hereditary disease. A decade earlier, former President George H.W. Bush’s administration launched its own failed crusade to supplant former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein — a bloodthirsty tyrant Bush’s cronies had massively supported years earlier to help “spur on” the Iraq/Iran conflict.Bush Sr.’s predecessor, Ronald Reagan, also had his share of unsavory scandals.Remember the Iran Contra affair? Don’t worry. Neither did Ronald Reagan — especially after the Alzheimer’s kicked in. Nor did his loyal Lt. Col. Oliver North. In fact, every executive fax documenting the illicit transaction was conveniently “shredded” from North’s memory — and existence.Way to “win one for the Gipper.”Ironically enough, there’s a strong case that our generation’s least morally depraved leader was a two-bit womanizer named Bill Clinton.Wet Willy is still most famous for his sexual conquest in the Oval Office and lying under oath about receiving “erotic favors” from White House intern Monica Lewinsky — a woman God cursed with James Carville’s disfigured face and Marlon Brando’s bloated ass.Thankfully, after warding off vicious attacks from principled family men like Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston, Clinton’s legacy — and his pant stains — were eventually washed clean.After hours of heated debate, Annyong finally dropped his paddle and admitted defeat.The debate was done. His fortune cookie was crumbled.Not wanting to rub soy sauce in his wounds, I grabbed Annyong by his scraggly Fu Manchu and pulled him aside. I urged him to keep his head up and remain optimistic.”Times are changing,” I said. “Thirty years ago, it would’ve been hard to imagine a world where America would economically self-destruct and become the financial lapdogs to a then-Third World country. But, lo and behold, the day has arrived.”Just wait! Once the American Empire queefs out, China will get its chance to become the world’s largest, most oppressive regime.”At the time, even I didn’t realize the significance of my words.The global playing field is shifting fast. Times are, indeed, changing faster than we can keep up.Pretty soon, President Barack Obama might even have to personally get on his knees and carry out his own Lewinsky-style operation to extract more low-interest loans from the Chinese government.It’s a hard truth for Americans to swallow, but someone’s got to do it.Yes he can!Scott Burns is a 21-year-old economics and history junior from Baton Rouge. Contact him on Twitter @ TDR_sburns.—-Contact Scott Burns at [email protected]
Burns After Reading: Chinese schoolboy gets served by American Idiot
August 24, 2010