Women of the multicultural sorority Sigma Lambda Gamma came from all over the U.S. on Friday to celebrate the opening of its newest chapter at the University.
Sigma Lambda Gamma was officially recognized Friday as a University sorority by the LSU Panhellenic Council Friday in a ceremony in the Student Union Cotillion Ballroom.
Sigma Lambda Gamma is the largest Latina-based national sorority. Its multicultural membership reaches across the country.
Brittany Foster, political science junior, and Joanne Busalacchi, biology junior, spent two years working to bring the sorority to the University.
“For two years we have wanted to bring the multicultural aspect to the community as another option for girls,” said Cerise Edmonds, coordinator for Cross Cultural Affairs.
Before Foster and Busalacchi arrived in the ballroom for the ceremony, members of Sigma Lambda Gamma from other chapters “strolled” to different songs, doing cheers along the way and setting the mood for the event.
“Strolling is like stomping but in a more rhythmic, dance-like fashion,” said Angela Guillory, director of Greek Life.
The event began as Foster and Busalacchi strolled into the ballroom masked, each hiding their her identity.
Foster and Busalacchi stood at attention as they greeted each chapter of every sorority and fraternity present at the event.
The girls were unmasked at the end and given their jerseys as they were greeted with a heavy applause.
“After two years, it is very rewarding to be here today,” Busalacchi said. “It has taken a long time, and we are so happy to bring Sigma Lambda Gamma here. We’ve been through a lot, and we have learned a lot.”
Guillory said she was proud of the girls for their hard work and perseverance.
“It’s a unique and different sorority,” Guillory said. “I think it will be very good for our community.”
Foster said she was amazed the sorority was finally present at the University.
“We’ve wanted to bring Sigma Lambda Gamma to campus to bridge that gap between the [National Pan-Hellenic Council] and [the Panhellenic Council],” Foster said. “We are excited to see this colony of Gammas grow.”
Marlie Quimtero, chemical engineering junior, explained how excited she was to have Sigma Lambda Gamma on campus this year.
“I pledged at Iowa State University, but then I moved down here for school, and I am so thrilled to have a colony here at LSU to be a part of,” Quimtero said. “These girls have worked extremely hard, and it shows. They have done an amazing job.”
Contact Kayla DuBos at [email protected]
Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority joins campus
August 28, 2010