After sitting out, Junior wide receiver Jonathan Giles finally gets to see what it is like to be an LSU player on the field. Coming from Texas Tech Giles opens up about the adjustments and changes to get comfortable with the system and the program itself.
“When I first got here, I forgot to huddle up after the play because I was so use to no huddle, so I mean it was a learning experience when I first got here,” he said.
Giles also believes in the unity of football program not just from the team and coaches but from the fans.
“The passion for this program. I feel like it’s so much unit like family wise. When I first got here I was welcomed with open arms from the community, the fans, the coaches, the players. It feel like I’ve already been here. That is something that I too in very deeply,” he said.
Giles is definitely ready to touch the field of Tiger Stadium as a Tiger himself.
“I couldn’t play last year, so I was a fan. I sat in the stands and just like everybody else I was going crazy for the team because I couldn’t play. I’m very excited for this upcoming year.”
Junior Wide Receiver Jonathan Giles- “The passion for this program. I feel like it’s so much unit like family wise.”
April 5, 2018
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