Students looking to get non-LSU students without a ticket into the football game against Alabama game may not realize the consequences.
LSU Assistant Ticket Manager Garrett Thibodeaux said it is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to sell a student ID for a football ticket.
“If you get caught on any Saturday doing that, your ID will be confiscated, and you’ll be referred to [the Student Office of Advocacy and Accountability],” Thibodeaux said. “It is not our rule, we just enforce it.”
Fortunately, students have the option to purchase guest tickets for most of the football games this season. Thibodeaux said the office has sold about 500 guest tickets.
“We know we’ll have a certain number not show up, so that allows someone to bring a friend who doesn’t attend LSU into the student section,” Thibodeaux said.
While this can be a great way to give non-LSU students a chance to experience the chaotic and exciting 13,000-people student section, the University does not sell these tickets for the two major games this season: Georgia and Alabama. They expect all students to show up, so they do not sell any extras to non-students.
However, University students can get tickets to these two games if another student transfers his or her ticket online to the other’s ID.
As of now, there are no plans to allow ticket transfers to non-LSU students. A Tiger Card is required to complete the transfer.
Student season tickets have been about $84 each for more than 10 years, a beneficial price for both students and the University.
“Football is a premium product here,” Thibodeaux said. “We’re one of the few schools that does not require a student fee that goes to athletics, so selling football tickets helps with that cost. You’re getting one of the better deals in the country with the price of these tickets.”
While no specific plan has been set, Thibodeaux believes all student tickets could be on phones in the future.
“We would like to explore a mobile option, whether that’s in the next year or the next 10 years,” Thibodeaux said. “That’s a discussion that has to happen internally with other parties across campus. I would personally love to see a mobile option.”
LSU to heavily monitor Student IDs at Alabama game
October 30, 2018
Mike celebrates the touchdown with the student’s section during the Tigers 23-20 victory over Mississippi State on Sept. 17, 2016 at Tiger Stadium.
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