Cole Tracy knew this moment was coming. The fifth-year graduate senior told himself the Monday before the LSU-Auburn matchup that the game would come down to a field goal, one way or another.
As his family and friends watched the waning seconds trickle down to two from a bar in Tracy’s parents house and teammates watched from the sidelines, Tracy delivered on the game winning 42 yard field goal to upset No. 7 Auburn 22-21.
When the drive started, Tracy told himself he wouldn’t start his kicking warm-ups until he saw the offense gain a few first downs, his normal routine. Staying calm and being your biggest fan are some traits that Tracy said helps him when making big kicks.
“I don’t really remember any of the drive,” Tracy said. “I was keeping an eye on it to see that we were moving the ball, but I had no clue what down it was. Nobody’s going to die because of a kick.”
After the kick went through, Tracy began running around the field, as his equally joyous teammates chased him around, with sophomore safety Kary Vincent being the first to tackle Tracy.
Junior linebacker Devin White was on the sidelines for the kick, behind Tracy so he could see the kick go through. White said he was jumping up and down with the anticipation of running out on the field.
“I knew he was going to make it,” White said. “I remember running over to the dog pile at the end and then running over to the fans and seeing them all excited. I wasn’t about to jump in that pile though.”
Senior tight end Foster Moreau was on the field at the left wing for the final kick and read that Auburn was planning to send an all out rush to try to block the kick.
Moreau lined up across from an Auburn defender and told him “he was not about to make this play.”
“I’m verbalising my commitment to this team and telling him you’re not making this play,” Moreau said. “From the kick I got knocked back a little bit and I was dead center with the field goal post. I saw it go straight into the All-State Good Hands and took off to try to catch Cole Tracy. It’ll be one of my all time favorite moments.”
If a dogpile wasn’t enough, Tracy was then carried off the field by fellow special teams members Connor Culp and Josh Growden. Tracy said that was the first time he had ever been carried off the field after a game-winning kick.
“That was cool,” Tracy said. “I remember Foster being on top of me just yelling stuff, so that was definitely a memorable moment.”
It’s been a crazy last 36 hours for Tracy, who said he has tried and failed at staying off his constantly buzzing phone.
“It’s been great to feel everybody reaching out to me,” Tracy said. “It’s been fun to watch how many people are connected to that kick.”
After going 5-for-5 on field goal kicks through the first two games, LSU fans began donating money to Assumption College, the school Tracy transferred to LSU from.
As of Monday at 3 p.m. the university has received more than 50 donations for a total of $3,000.
“I hope they’re still coming in,” Tracy joked. “Just make sure the money goes to the football program.”