An event at Fred’s on Saturday raised $840 for a woman’s medical expenses after she suffered a brain aneurysm Jan. 10.
Andrew Decker, first-year MBA student, said the event was an after party for the MBA golf tournament benefiting Boys Hope Girls Hope, and Fred’s agreed to give half the $10 cover from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. to help Leanne Davis, an accountant at United Scaffolding.
“Considering we competed with Groovin’ on the Grounds, I think it was pretty successful,” Decker said.
Decker, an Ohio native, said he met Davis through his internship at United Scaffolding during his time as an undergraduate, and the family became his “Louisiana family.”
“They helped me for four years, now I’m trying to help them,” Decker said.
Decker said Davis is working with Medicaid to pay the exorbitant amount of medical bills resulting from her treatment at the Neuromedical Center on Perkins Road.
Decker said the event was advertised on the marquee for Fred’s, with Facebook event and by word of mouth.
He said he expected golfers, tournament volunteers and people from the MBA program to attend the event.
Decker said he also ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon in New Orleans for Davis and on April 9 there will be a jambalaya dinner fundraiser.
Decker said the firefighters in Livingston cook jambalaya every Saturday and sell plates for $6 to benefit an individual, organization or charity.
And Decker is open to suggestions for other fundraising opportunities.
“I’d love to do whatever I can,” Decker said.
He said he plans to continue organizing these types of events for people in the future and having events at bars is a way to get students involved in helping charities because students typically don’t have much free time to give or funds to donate.
Contact Celeste Ansley at [email protected]
Student sponsors benefit at Fred’s
March 27, 2011