Politics are like Peter Pan, at times refusing to develop or mature.
In the case of United States House, politics reject findings of credible studies to better suit their own agendas almost, like a jealous child.
On March 15, as reported by Bloomberg, the House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected the Environmental Protection Agency’s findings stating climate change is impacted by human activity. The Republican-heavy panel also rejected findings connecting carbon dioxide emissions to public health concerns.
It’s one thing to label a claim as a hoax or inexplicable because of a lack of evidence, but to blatantly throw away scientific evidence?
That seems like a leap, even for politicians.
Throwing these findings to the wind could be an effort to prevent a potential spike in energy prices, but there are plenty things more important than the cost of oil.
According to the American Lung Association, “The protections against the health harm from carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollution are essential to public health and must be preserved.”
Yet, in a country that values its voice more than the resulting noise, our leaders seem quick to take our voice away from us, especially when it could potentially damage the economy.
And Congress is on board, passing a bill that prevents addressing climate change with measures that would negatively affect the economy.
However, in disregarding the original findings, the government fails to understand that, while it may be protecting us from an upset economy, it’s exposing us to a far more gruesome opponent — the environment.
If carbon dioxide emissions have reached a point of toxicity, wouldn’t you want to know how it’s impacting your health?
If it’s carbon dioxide we’re putting in the air, shouldn’t you acknowledge that fact so the country can better plan for a future with a greener society?
It seems the only thing we can do after ruining our surroundings is to put the pieces of this disturbed puzzle back together the best we can.
Pieces the Environmental Protection Agency has declared important to the state of the U.S. and pieces the government has decided to shove under the rug.
Despite Congress’ take on the effects of the findings on the country’s economy, it’s the government’s responsibility to focus objectively on environmental information.
In the end, the findings are informative and necessary, but the government’s decision to reject their application is not only inflammatory and appalling but also dangerous.
In squashing what have been known as leftist ideas, Congress has threatened not only the health of our country’s environment but also the health of its people.
Let’s hope all that money we save is worth it.
Priyanka Bhatia is a 19-year-old freshman with a pre-veterinary medicine major and a minor in environmental management systems. Follow her on Twitter @TDR_Pbhatia.
contact Priyanka Bhatia at [email protected]
Walking on Thin Ice: Politics refuse to mature, reject findings to suit agenda
April 2, 2011