Despite the cancellation of Tuesday’s “Rally for Higher Education,” students are scheduled to storm the Capitol today from noon to 2 p.m.
Bradley Wood, biology and philosophy senior, said “Rally Day at the Capitol” is not limited to higher education.
Wood, founder of the campus organization ProudStudents, said the rally will be hosted by Better Choices for a Better Louisiana, a group that seeks “to improve the quality of life in our state and invest in Louisiana’s future.” He said BCBL serves as an umbrella for various public programs. The group invited all member organizations to gather at the Capitol to “urge lawmakers to adopt a budget that includes new revenues.”
According to BCBL, an approach based on cutting education, human services and health may have negative long-term consequences.
Wood said though he encourages students to participate in the initiative, he does not expect a huge student turnout because of finals.
“I think people who will attend will be those who have participated in the past and know what’s going on,” Wood said.
Contact Sydni Dunn at [email protected]
Students to march to Capitol for higher ed rally
May 3, 2011