With all the worry about global warming and what might happen to the earth if the temperature rises one degree or so, we need to step back and have both sides of the argument present data so we, as a society, can accurately determine if the use of greenhouse gases is actually causing global warming.
Having one side of the argument dominating the rhetoric needs to change because both sides need to be able to present their point of view.
Having clear and accurate information about the truth behind global warming needs to be stated so we, as a society, can make an accurate decision and determine whether we as a society want to go “green” or continue the life that we have.
Although protecting the environment is very important and the environment needs to be protected for future generations, I question whether some extreme techniques in protecting the environment along with combating global warming is worth it until we get information that is not manipulated and both sides agree on the merit of the information.
Having a continuous debate with no clear answer and when one side of the argument is completely shut out in discussions about global warming, I believe we need to step back and analyze the information we have to determine if global warming is natural or caused by greenhouse gases.
Global Warming is a controversy in itself
February 10, 2011
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