Editor’s Note: Student Government candidates are listed in alphabetical order by presidential candidate’s last name.
Two students who filed for Student Government elections last Wednesday have pulled out of their respective race.
Hannah Martin filed for SG president and Diego Delfino filed for SG vice president, but both have since reneged on their decisions to run.
The tickets currently in the
running for SG presidential and vice presidential elections are Aaron Caffarel and Alli Robison, Garrett Dupre and Jarrett Richard, David Jones and Kacey Brister and Cody Wells and Kathleen Bordelon.
Martin and Delfino work as entertainment correspondents for Tiger TV’s “The Ramen” but were
temporarily suspended from employment after they filed for elections last week.
Because Martin and Delfino are no longer affiliated with the elections, Haralson said they have been reinstated to work for Tiger TV.
Delfino said the pair decided they would rather continue working for “The Ramen” than work in SG.
People running for SG elections will officially announce their candidacies Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at various locations on campus, and campaigning will begin soon after.
Contact Andrea Gallo at
[email protected]
Martin, Delfino pull out of elections
February 28, 2011