In today’s paper, I was astonished at the content of Mr. Schultz’ comic, which depicts the Nubian Message as a “shadow of the past.” While I, just as many others on-campus, do not read the Nubian Message every week, I would say that I read it more weeks than not. After reading most issues, I have found that within the pages Nubian Message there is content, which covers issues that I doubt I would ever see within the pages of Technician. Furthermore, last time I checked, the Nubian Message is also part of Student Media here at N.C. State University. Does Mr. Schultz really not have anything else to commentate on besides badmouthing one of our SMA brethren? Instead if engaging in petty and unfair assumptions, in the future, I would hope the paper will hold their editorial cartoons to a higher standard.
Chris Cioffi
senior, English