Motorists in the Goodwood area may have noticed something unusual breaking through the din of travel and traffic Saturday.
A digital billboard rented by the Billboard Art Project, an organization turning the giant LED signs into temporary galleries, displayed 24 hours of artwork, rotating through 1,200 unique images submitted from all over the world.
Project founder David Morrison rented his first billboard about a year ago in Richmond, Va. Since then, the project has hosted larger-than-life art shows in eight cities, including New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
Located near the intersection of Goodwood and Tara boulevards, Morrison said Saturday’s show had some of the most local artist participation the project has ever seen.
“That’s one of the interesting things about Baton Rouge and New Orleans,” Morrison said. “There have been grassroots efforts to get people to come out and see the billboards. It is a testament to the arts culture here in Louisiana. The involvement here has been there.”
Ron Stasko, an artist from Darrow, La., has participated in three different billboard shows.
Stasko said projects like this can help build artists’ confidence and gives them exposure they might not normally have.
“You’re up on a billboard,” he said. “Your art is larger than life in the sky for people to see it up there. It’s like, ‘Wow, that’s pretty impressive.’ That drew me to the
Project brings art to digital billboards
November 6, 2011