Grade: C
Although the actors and actresses weren’t nominated for an Oscar for their performance in this 2006 horror film, the campy vibe makes it a real favorite. A psychopathic killer takes his victims while dressed in a ghillie suit, something hardly discrete in a spacious forest with little shrubbery. The killer has a fascination with pick axes and has built various machines to launch them, including a catapult-like contraption featured in the most ridiculous scene where the soon-to-be victims run and duck from pick axes that seem to be flying from every direction. The only actual “scary” part of the movie is toward the end, when one of the characters is burned alive and lets out a ghastly howl known as “the devil’s scream” that is sure to give viewers chills.
Contact Haylie Navarre at [email protected]
“Simon Says”
October 26, 2011