In response to the Faculty Senate’s resolution to consider moving class start times ahead 10 minutes, the Student Government Senate passed a resolution Wednesday night to request classes continue following the current schedule.
Aaron Caffarel, SG Senate speaker and co-author of the resolution, said he feels the shift in class times is not worth the effort it would take for students to adjust to the change.
“We really hope the Faculty Senate will work with us on this,” Caffarel said.
The resolution states both students and faculty are familiar with the current policy, which the authors of the bill think has worked well throughout its existence.
The authors are also concerned the change in class time will lead to confusion for students and faculty who have arranged their schedules around the current procedure.
The bill states, “The alleged benefits to moving to a new system are not enough to outweigh that which will result in the change of class
Senate passes resolution to keep current class time schedule
October 18, 2011