Disciples on Campus, a new University Christian student organization, is working on an initiative to develop off-campus nighttime transportation options in addition to the Tiger Trails night bus, but some say the plan is not feasible.
Niles Gillespie, mechanical engineering sophomore and member of Disciples on Campus, has been meeting with members of Student Government about the possibility of turning the idea into reality
Gillespie said he came up with the idea one night while waiting for the night bus to pick him up on campus.
Gillespie said he spoke with SG representatives about the possible use of smaller transit options like golf carts or other electric street-legal vehicles, which would operate on and off campus.
Since the vehicles go 25 miles per hour, they would only be allowed to run on streets with speed limits of 35 mph or lower. Some of the areas include Tigerland and apartment complexes near the intersection of Highland Road and Lee Drive, Gillespie said.
Gillespie said Disciples on Campus supports his plan to create the nighttime transit system, and the organization is working with him to make the initiative happen.
“They’ve really helped me out with trying to work out the plan,” he said. “I’ve been working with them on the legal stuff and getting ideas ready to present to officials.”
Mark Ackal, economics freshman, said he would be interested in additional nighttime transportation.
“I’m on campus at night a good bit,” he said. “It would actually be really helpful.”
But Aaron Wascom, electrical and computer engineering junior, said he would not use the off-campus nighttime transit system if it were installed.
“I don’t ride the bus,” he said. “I take my car to campus. Even if I couldn’t take my car, I’d walk if I have to.”
While students are split on whether the additional nighttime transportation is necessary, SG is unsure if the initiative is even obtainable.
SG President Cody Wells said the project is a good idea, but he doesn’t think it will be up and running any time soon.
“We already offer a nighttime transportation system,” he said. “Transit vans will go anywhere on campus and Tiger Trails also runs off campus at night.”
Gary Graham, director of the Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation, said he has not received any information about the proposal yet.
Contact Kate Mabry at
[email protected]
Organization works on initiative for off-campus night transit
By Staff Writer
September 16, 2011