Grade: F
“Apollo 18” is the type of movie that makes viewers ask themselves halfway through, “Wait, I paid $9 for this?” Taking inspiration from the worst aspects of “Cloverfield” and “The Blair Witch Project,” the film drags on for what feels like much longer than its 86-minute running time. The main problem is there isn’t much here for an audience to care about. The characters aren’t relatable, the scares are few and far between and the film never reaches the heights of suspenseful atmosphere that was so greatly achieved by other found-footage films like “Paranormal Activity” and the outstanding Spanish-language, “REC.” “Apollo 18” is one of the worst types of movies — uninteresting, scare-deprived and failing to succeed even as an unintentional comedy.
Contact Joey Groner at [email protected]
“Apollo 18”
September 8, 2011