The University admitted 3,341 new students, scheduled 2,896 students and added 80 sections of undergraduate courses the week after the University began accepting students displaced from New Orleans universities.
Frank Cartledge, vice provost for Academic Affairs, said the latest enrollment numbers were from Sept. 12, but there will not be a definitive number because some students are resigning after deciding not to attend school this semester.
“We’ll be in a fluid situation all semester,” Cartledge said.
The Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation sold about 1,700 fall semester parking permits to displaced students, but director Gary Graham said there have not been any problems with parking capacity.
“Students have really stepped forward and cooperated and rode the bus or biked,” he said.
Graham said two buses were added to the Tigerland and Highland/Burbank routes and that the normal lots are not filling.
Cartledge said there have not been any problems with the influx of new students, and that he thinks most students are getting familiar with campus.
Cartledge said an immediate problem for displaced students was accessing their PAWS accounts because the login information was being sent to the previous university e-mail address that many students could not access. He said that as far as he can tell, that problem has been fixed.
There are 450 students who were admitted but did not schedule, and Cartledge said they have until today to add classes.
Cartledge said he thinks many students have decided not to attend after considering their situations.
In addition, students who were enrolled before the hurricane can also schedule classes originally created for displaced students.
Contact Ginger Gibson at [email protected]
More than 3,000 N.O. students enroll
September 16, 2005