LSUPD has heightened security, but officials say there has been no increase in crime on campus or around Baton Rouge.
Several rumors of violent crimes have circulated in the areas surrounding campus. Officials say they are untrue.
“We encourage the LSU population to exercise vigilance in their own safety by being aware of their surroundings, reporting suspicious persons and pay attention to the media in the event any advisories are issues,” said Maj. Ricky Adams, LSUPD spokesman.
The Baton Rouge police said they will increase patrol in order to make residents feel safe.
“We are seeing an increase in the number of calls to the department, but it’s mainly people who are scared and want to know what they should be doing,” said Cpl. LJean McKneely, BRPD spokesman. “The officers are making an increased presence because we want to show people that we’re here to take care of business.”
After sending a mass e-mail to the student body titled “Civil Unrest in Baton Rouge” Chancellor O’Keefe spoke at a town hall meeting about safety concerns on campus.
“The rumors of crime were exaggerated,” he said. “My apologies. I went on the best available information. The safety on campus is fine and the e-mail should not have gone out in that tone.”
Rumors that are circulating around campus include an alleged shooting at Wal-Mart on College Drive and a robbery at Academy Sporting Goods.
Managers from both stores said the stories are false and neither stores had any safety concerns.
Contact Ginger Gibson at [email protected]
LSUPD: crime rumors not true
September 6, 2005