Don’t you just love days when, no matter how stupid something is that you are doing, you can say, “Well, it’s not the stupidest thing I’ve done all day.”
I was able to say that all day Sunday because of an event that took place early Sunday morning involving me and a flaming five-gallon can of gasoline.
The same, I think, can be said of anyone who has proposed marriage to someone and had them say yes.
If you do that, you can go the rest of the day knowing that whatever you do, it will not be as stupid as getting engaged.
This may sound a little bitter, and it will probably sound a whole lot more bitter by the end of it, but in no way am I condemning the act of marriage. By all means, I think it is definitely one way to live.
But by all rational standards, getting engaged is about as well thought out as sticking your genitalia in a rat trap. And the latter is probably much easier to get out of than the former.
Anywho, in the past month I have seen friends and family call an end to their youth and freedom with one swift bend of the knee, and then tie up my time by asking me to stand with them at their wedding and witness their ceremony of devotion and love for one another.
“Well, of course I will. I’d be honored. I couldn’t think of a better thing to do on a Saturday night.”
Three weddings, to be precise – three weddings I have been asked to stand in in so many weeks.
That makes four for the year.
That’s right four. By New Year’s Day 2007, I will have stood in four weddings.
Throw in a funeral and call me Hugh Grant because the love I get costs me money.
Perhaps I think it’s stupid because it seems as though I’m never the bride.
But why should I want to be? White never was the most flattering color on me, and let’s get real – white at any wedding of mine would be a lie.
So to all of those whose love to each other means at least three grand in tuxedos and hotel rooms, I wish you all the best: Jodi and Rod, Tommy and Katie, LeAnne and David, Danielle and Tim, Megan and David, and especially my loving sister Kate and her fiance Andy.
I love you all, and believe me, whatever it is you do, it will not be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.
Good luck.
December 6, 2005