Three people sat in the Chapel on the Campus Thursday as a slide show of prayer requests and the serial killer victims’ pictures played above their heads.
They sat in the chapel to pray for the capture of the serial killer, protection for students and for the victims’ families.
This was the first week the Chapel on the Campus held a prayer service for these causes.
Eileen Wereskla, the chapel’s women’s director, said they had received several requests from their community to hold a service.
Wereskla said the chapel wanted to give everyone an opportunity to talk about their concerns in a safe environment.
The three participants talked about the events of the last year and how they has affected their lives and the campus.
They will hold a service every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. until the serial killer is caught, she said.
“Hopefully we don’t have to come back next week,” Wereskla said.
Chapel honors prayer requests
April 4, 2003