With graduation two weeks away, the ceremony’s speaker still remains a mystery to those preparing to move beyond their college careers.
Chancellor Mark Emmert said the speaker’s name will be announced formally May 16, at the speaker’s request.
However, Ken Johnson, U.S. Rep. Billy Tauzin’s public information officer said, “Billy has made a request to the White House to get either the President or Vice President to speak at the graduation, but we haven’t heard anything back yet.”
The U.S. Secret Service is making preparations for the graduation speaker, said the person who answered the phone at the Secret Service Office. But the only person who was authorized to discuss these preparations with the media was unavailable before press time.
Jennifer Millerwise, a spokeswoman for Vice President Dick Cheney, said she had nothing to announce about the Vice President’s schedule at this time. She did not deny a visit.
Joann Cobb, assistant airport director for the Baton Rouge airport, said the chief of airport police is making special preparations and setting up meetings for the proceedings, but was unable to divulge the specifics.
Emmert said due to the special nature of the speaker, there will be special ticket policies in effect for the event.
Bachelor’s and master’s candidates will be allotted four tickets each, and Ph.D. candidates will be allotted eight tickets each.
Tickets can be picked up at the LSU Union Box Office from Monday, May 12, through Wednesday, May 14, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., according to University Relations.
If there are any tickets left on Thursday, May 15, or Friday, May 16, they will be given out at the same location, two per student. Any remaining tickets will be distributed only to LSU faculty, staff and students on a first-come, first-served basis, beginning Monday, May 19.
Because of the popularity of the speaker, more people will want to attend the ceremony, but students and their families will have first priority on tickets, Emmert said.
Security will be stepped up, which will require graduates and their families to arrive earlier, he said. Parking will be limited due to security procedures. Certain parking lots and some streets will be closed.
All those attending will be required to pass through a metal detector and will be asked to open bags and purses before they enter the PMAC, according to University Relations.
Emmert said the graduates will be notified about the specifics of the ceremony early next week.
He also said he is very excited about the speaker and has been working all year with many people to get the speaker to come to LSU.
“I’m very excited for students because this will be a great experience for them,” Emmert said.
Graduation speaker anonymous
May 8, 2003