This week, Hakimjan Husanov, a journalist from the central Asian country of Kyrqyzstan, is visiting the University’s Manship School of Mass Communication to learn more about the mass media’s role in the United States.
Husanov is in the United States for the first time as part of a training program sponsored by the International Center for Journalists. Husanov is spending his time in Baton Rouge observing the media, both at the University and The Advocate.
“I have been seeing all aspects of how young journalists are trained,” Husanov said through an interpreter. Husanov has been sitting in on University classes in ethics, media law and advertising, as well as visiting Student Media facilities.
Husanov currently teaches at Osh State University in Kyrqyzstan, and his goal is to learn more about media content and instruction in the United States in order to better train his students.
“I’m impressed that here, students are active participants in the media,” Husanov said. “They get good hands-on experience.”
Husanov said his country currently is developing more of an independent media, and he feels his experience in the United States will help him better inform his students.
Louis Day, a mass communication professor, said programs such as the one Husanov is participating in have benefits for all involved.
“These journalists are from emerging democracies, and they’re learning how the free press operates,” Day said.
Day also said visiting journalists learn how to develop relationships between universities and the professional media.
The programs also have benefits for the University, Day said.
“It gives LSU international visibility, and makes us a player on the international stage,” he said.
Husanov said there is mixed reaction in Kyrqyzstan to the presence of American troops in the region. Currently, there is an agreement in place with the United States government to use an airport in the country as a military base.
“In general, most of the population is quite neutral to the idea,” Husanov said. “But, of course, people who live close to the base have concerns.”
Husanov also said there is some resistance in his country to a possible war between the United States and Iraq.
“In general, our population is not welcoming this war,” he said. Husanov said many citizens fear war will disrupt the economic and political balances in the region.
Husanov said his trip to Louisiana has been both enjoyable and informative.
“I feel I can relate better to people here,” Husanov said. “A lot of what I’m learning here is very applicable to my work at home.”
Asian journalist observes media
February 6, 2003