Transition team positive for LSU, La.
Louisiana’s Future looks bright.
Over the past few months, negative articles regarding governor-elect Kathleen Babineaux Blanco have been written out of dismay and frustration by Jindal supporters.
Unlike some students, I left Alabama rejoicing over two victories, LSU and governor-elect Blanco’s.
However, I would like to make some things clear regarding Louisiana’s future and the Governor-elect’s Transition Team.
The governor-elect’s transition team marks the beginning of positive leadership for Louisiana.
The presence of the transition team on LSU’s campus brings people from all over the state to see our beautiful campus.
Not only is the location of the transition team saving the state money, the visitors to the transition office in Baton Rouge can take interest in the flagship University, while boosting our local economy.
Now that a new governor has been elected, the citizens of Louisiana need to rally behind her and work together for a better Louisiana.
Pessimism and negativity at LSU will not change the election results. However, demanding accountability of the governor and other elected officials will make a difference.
Governor-elect Blanco’s past record and strong belief in our state provides a strong base for the future of Louisiana. The opposing candidate could never find anything wrong with her record.
In life as well as politics, future plans and ideas can be easily stated and put on paper. However, the support and respect of state lawmakers is crucial to the implementation of these plans.
Mrs. Blanco’s unblemished record as a state legislator, public service commissioner and lieutenant governor gives her the respect from these state officials that is needed to implement change.
As a former student and former teacher in the Louisiana school system, governor-elect Blanco has first hand knowledge of what it will take to improve it. In my opinion, she will not discriminate against any state university (end of story).
Nick Saban commented on the BCS poll rankings in a very logical way. “The rankings are what was. The game this week is what is,” said Saban.
Likewise, Governor-elect Kathleen Blanco is “what is”, and hopefully the students at LSU will support Mrs. Blanco and the future of our state.
Whitney Little
political communication
Jindal inexperienced in world of politics
All week long I have heard many people complaining and sulking over the fact that Bobby Jindal lost the gubernatorial election this past Saturday.
The fact is that Mr. Jindal had the opportunity and foresight to seize the election and possibly secure a victory. Instead, he proved to be an inexperienced novice in the art of politics.
People can whine and cry all they want that “the old political machine” was at work in this campaign, and praise Jindal as a “problem solver”with so many great ideas and ambitions for the state. Nevertheless, his demise was his inability to engage himself in the malevolent game of political hardball. It is a rough and nasty spectacle, but it in politics it is essential not to leave any attacks unanswered.
Jindal made this crucial mistake, and it may have cost him the election.
When your opponent bites, you must bite back. Was it that he had too much pride and dignity to answer the attacks posed by his opponents, maybe; but that is not going to win you an election.
The best defense Jindal could muster up was that the attacks on his record were just lies, lies, and lies. Well if they were lies, then Jindal should have had no problem defending his record, pointing out these supposed lies, and refuting them.
Instead, he continually tried to persuade his opponent to play nice, and not run any negative ads, which actually weren’t negative at all.
Welcome to politics, it is not fun and sweet, it is ruthlessly competitive, so before Bobby Jindal goes running for another office, he might consider going back to school, or hiring a tutor, and learn the real nature of politics.
Andrew J. Reynolds
New administration will surprise
On Saturday, November 15th, the voters of Louisiana sent a positive message to the nation. It is a new day in Louisiana, and I’m proud to say that I was a part of that process.
Governor-elect Kathleen Blanco has always separated herself from the good ol’ boys of the past. She has had a proven record of success in her 20+ years in public service in Louisiana.
Louisiana’s top job is not a place for someone to learn about state government and Mrs. Blanco was definitely more qualified.
I think this new administration will surprise you.
Louisiana will improve, but it won’t come overnight. PLEASE recognize that change takes time and we have just begun to change. Stay in Louisiana and prosper.
In response to Jason Dore’s column, Mrs. Blanco has made it apparent that LSU is the flagship
university of Louisiana and plans to fund to accordingly.
Governor-elect Blanco will continue to fight for ALL Louisianians as she has done for so many years.
As for 2004, Louisiana is a Democratic state.
Nearly every statewide elected official is a Democrat including Governor, Lt. Gov., Attorney Genereal, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, Commissioner of
Agriculture, both US Senators, three US Reps, and a majority in the La. Legislature.
George W. Bush beware La. will not be easily won like it was in 2000.
Ryan Berni
political science
Rodeo participants not “animal haters”
In Monday’s November 17 edition of the Reveille, Mr. James Eliason made ridiculous statements regarding the Student Rodeo.
Mr. Eliason, could I take a moment of your time to dispel the two major “facts” presented?
You stated cattle prods were “being shoved up a steer’s behind” and if the rods had been “any further up, the steers would have been snorting electricity.” A cattle prod never enters the body cavity, it is applied to the outside.
We’re not doing anal probes. A cattle prod runs off a few D batteries and issues a slight shock to the animal’s hide. Livestock producers need a way to move cattle resulting in no animal injuries and safety for humans.
Have you looked under a bull before? The rope used to encourage the animal to buck is located approximately a foot and a half behind the penis and a foot in front of the scrotum in a junction where the hind legs meet the body.
Apparently you think we were wrapping a rope around the animals’ testicles and giving it a whirl to make them spin like a top.
There is no “ripping”, snug ropes are in place, but they are removed quickly. (By the way, run your spell check again, you misspelled genitalia.)
If you prefer to think rodeo people are animal haters, consider that mistreated stock won’t perform, so it is good business sense to treat them well. However, this isn’t the philosophy of most rodeo people; I think it is safe to say many respect the animals and enjoy being around them.
I doubt the validity of your statements concerning Mike since your comments about the rodeo were extremely far fetched.
Do more research next time and don’t make up loosely based accusations against the Student Rodeo to make a point.
Amanda Hackney
rodeo participant
Letters to the Editor
November 20, 2003