Student pleas: return stolen bag, trust
We walk through 99 percent humidity for nine months out of the year, battle parking every morning in hopes of making that elusive 8:10 class; have learned to press ‘reload’ on Web browsers ad nauseum as we fight through peak PAWS registration times.
We also tailgate together; participate in student organizations with one another; shoot hoops on the same team in the Rec Center. (Sometimes I even pass.)
This evening, however, I lost all sense of what it is to be an LSU Tiger. In a single minutes time, one person ruined my past year and a half here in Baton Rouge and likely my next one in waiting. Someone I go to school with, who I probably see every day on campus, walked off with my bag. He/she took my books, notes, glasses, watch and other campus essentials with him/her.
More importantly, that person took my trust, my camaraderie with my fellow students, my feeling I was part of something bigger. Right in broad daylight, as I played Frisbee with friends on the Parade Grounds fewer than 100 feet away, that person took from me all the good things about being a part of LSU. I don’t want to look over my shoulder and see potential thieves where I once saw friends.
By now that person likely realizes there’s nothing worth a lick in that bag…well except if he/she really needs a copy of ‘The Political Pundits.’ Heck, even take the watch if you’re always running late. Just please return the bag and my trust in the process, no questions asked.
Paul Lieber
Ph.D. student
mass communication & public affairs
Stay in stateuntil next election
Dear fellow losers of the most recent La. governor election, I say don’t blame me for the lack of change in the state government, because I voted for Jindal.
However, unlike some students who are pushing for you to leave the state, I say stand up to the poor leadership now in place. Instead of leaving, do the best you can to work with the few good people left in the state government to create a successful future. Next time around, don’t trust the smear tactics and lies of opposing parties, do your own research.
On a positive note, I would like to congratulate Governor elect Blanco on her most truthful answer of the entire election process.
During her acceptance speech, Mrs. Blanco was asked what she planned to do in the next few days. Instead of answering verbally, she gave a blank look. This was the first time since she announced her candidacy that Louisiana saw the true Mrs. Blanco.
In the future, you should expect to see many more of these “Blanc” looks when asked about important state issues.
Jason Craig
La. not republican ground in 2004
On Saturday, the voters of Louisiana sent a strong message to Washington, that George W. Bush and his republican friends do not run Louisiana. The voters proved the power of the people by going out to vote in record numbers.
The people made the right decision by electing Kathleen Babineaux Blanco as their first female governor. In response to the opinions in Tuesday’s Reveille, maybe the writer should look at Mrs. Blanco’s proven record of success before you try to attack her.
So what if you leave Louisiana, that’s just one less angry Republican we have to deal with. If our state is not Republican enough for you, then maybe you should take up residence in Mississippi or Kentucky. There are many, Democrats and Republicans, who will not leave because they will see Mrs. Blanco as a great governor. This campaign was all about jobs, healthcare, and education. And Bobby Jindal lacks experience in all. While Jindal was cutting jobs in the Department of Health and Hospitals, Blanco was creating thousands of jobs as Lt. Governor. I am a Democrat and supported Mrs. Blanco all along, but I believe the Republicans had a better candidate in Hunt Downer and Jay Blossman. Many voters saw Jindal as a “reform” candidate, and we have had “reform” governors in the past and they did not fulfill all of their promises.
Buddy Roemer was a “reform” governor, and he ended up becoming a miserable failure. Maybe it is to Jindal’s benefit that he lost to save himself from becoming just like Roemer, a miserable failure. Jindal has hurt people and their families with his drastic cuts in the Department of Hospitals.
For more than 20 years, Mrs. Blanco has diligently fought for ALL Louisiana. She will continue to do so as she leads Louisiana to a bright and prosperous future. So, I say to all of Jindal supporters: it is now time to trash all of your campaign paraphernalia and respect the decision of the voters. Louisiana has proven with the reelection of Democratic United States Senator Mary Landrieu and the election of Kathleen Babineaux Blanco that Louisiana is not “Bush Country” come 2004.
Leonce Chavis
Political Science
Hodge doesn’t have a case
I don’t get what this Donald Hodge guy is suing LSU for.
For those who don’t know about Mr. Hodge, he is an LSU Law Student suing the University to stop the ticket surcharge that will be attached to over 40,000 tickets in Tiger Stadium starting next year.
His lawsuit was recently combined with another in the State District Court challenging the validity of the stadium expansion and the way it will be funded. Hodge contends that the increase, is similar to a fee increase and therefore must be approved by the Legislature.
Since when did tickets to football games become items similar to ones that are put on a students fee bill? I think it’s valiant that you would take up such a charge Mr. Hodge, because I know that people really don’t want to pay this surcharge.
But, do you want LSU to fall further behind in funding for its athletic programs? This increase doesn’t just fund football, it funds all the other programs too. I’m still in college but will hopefully be have two tickets next year.
Why? Because I want to have tickets when I get out of college waiting for me. Those tickets will have the $85 per ticket charge attached to them. That comes to a total of $674 a season for the two. I don’t care how strained my budget may be, I will find ways to pay for them every year. And I really think that everyone else will do the same.
I’ve heard the complaining of how this will put people out of their seats. That’s crap.
If you really want to be in Death Valley on a Saturday (day or night), then you will do what you have to do in order to pay for the tickets.
Drop your silly lawsuit and stop the publicity attempt. LSU Athletics needs this money in order to sustain excellence. Or, keep going with this and get embarrassed when it’s thrown out by a judge who laughs in your face. Either way, it’s your call.
Casey Potts
general studies
Letters to the Editor
November 19, 2003