After darkness fell over the LSU lakes, candles lighted the terrace across from the Lod Cook Alumni Center. Runners and passers-by stopped to observe why people were gathered in silence.
Kappa Delta sorority sponsored a memorial service Wednesday night for the recent deaths of LSU students Corey Domingue, Kurt Latiolais II, Jason Whittle and BRCC student Gene Rutter.
Domingue, a 19-year-old chemical engineering sophomore, died Oct. 10 from drinking too much alcohol.
Latiolais, an LSU senior, died Oct. 18 of smoke inhalation when his off-campus apartment caught fire.
Whittle, a 19-year-old business administration sophomore, died Oct. 17 after suffering a fall at the Acacia fraternity house.
Rutter, a student at BRCC, died in a car accident on I-12 the weekend after Fall Break.
The service began with singing from members of the choir from Christ the King Catholic Church. The group sang songs including “Amazing Grace” and “On Eagles Wings” as attendants stood huddled in silence.
“We came together as a chapter,” said biological sciences junior and Kappa Delta member Deanna Gillen. “We knew some friends of the boys, and we thought this would be a good way for the LSU community to come together and celebrate their lives.”
Brad Dorsey, a business administration sophomore, is a member of Acacia and was a friend of Whittle.
“I met him in pledge-ship. I was one of his best friends; he was just that kind of person,” Dorsey said.
After a brief moment of silence, two members of Kappa Delta read a quote from Mother Theresa and a Bravery Prayer in between songs.
Kurt Latiolais Sr. attended the service to remember his son.
“It is an unfortunate thing that it had to be done, but it is very comforting,” Latiolais said.
There were bouquets of flowers set up with the names of the students. There was also a table with books attendants could sign.
About 50 people attended the event.
Jerry Whittle, father of Jason Whittle, also attended the service to honor his son.
“The service was very touching; it was a great tribute to all the boys,” Whittle said.
Fallen Friends
November 6, 2003

Fallen Friends