Getting out to the Rec center can be difficult sometimes. Studying for big tests, tiredness from partying with your friends the night before and not being able to find a parking spot within two miles of the Rec, for example, can keep you from getting over there to work out. There is no need to fret, because you can still get a decent workout within the confines of your apartment or dorm room.
For the legs, you could squat in place with a book bag on your back filled with all those textbooks you realized you didn’t need for class for added resistance. Lunges also can be done and again a book bag or dumbbells can be used to push yourself a little more. You could do standing calf raises, using the wall for balance. Seated calf raises also can be done by sitting in a chair and setting a stack of books on your thighs for added resistance.
For the chest, the standard pushup is always good. Elevating your feet by putting them up on the bed can work your chest at a different angle. If you want to show off, try bench-pressing your roommate.
If you want to fill out those shirtsleeves before you leave your dorm for class, you could do arm curls with a book bag in your hand. Put your arms over a chair and you can simulate preacher curls. Then, you could take a seat in that same chair and use a book to do concentration curls.
You can hit your shoulders by doing lateral raises with a book bag or dumbbell in hand to the front and to the side. You could pick up a friend’s bag, fill both with books and do some shrugs.
For the back, you could do rows, again holding a book bag or a dumbbell in hand, by kneeling over a chair. If you think your doorframe is sturdy enough, grip the top of it and do some pull-ups.
The easiest thing for you to do in your room is abs. You may want to lay on something if you’re in a dorm because you wouldn’t want to drown in the dust that often collects down there. The exercise that works best for me is putting my legs up on a chair, forming a 90-degree angle. In this position, you could crunch straight up or cross over bringing your elbow to the opposite knee to work your obliques. You could also use a hula-hoop to work your abs. The hip gyrations will make you happy. I need not explain why.
Got a VCR? Pop in Tae-Bo and let Billy Blanks show you how to get a good workout and kick some butt at the same time. If you need more cardiovascular activity and you don’t like the neighbors that live below you, do some jumping jacks. You can get some good cardio in and get revenge on your unruly neighbors at the same time.
You do not have to go to the Rec in order to get a decent workout for the day. You could do some exercises during your study breaks and burn a few calories. Training in your room will also keep you from giving into the urge to pass the time with snacks.
Focus on Fitness
October 7, 2003