My roommate just got a camera phone.
He was pretty impressed with it.
He immediately began taking pictures to put on the “desktop” of his camera screen.
I was skeptical about the camera’s ability to take quality pictures. However, it actually managed to produce a quality image.
But, now the camera phones are being banished from places because of the privacy threat they pose.
Surprisingly, it turns out people have begun using them to take pictures of people in private moments such as the locker room or public bathrooms.
Places like Bally’s and YMCA have started banning all cell phone use in their establishments in fear that patrons will be violated by these cellular criminals.
I don’t know about you. But, I will be pissed if I can’t use my cell phone anywhere because of some pervert who can’t control himself and his cell phone camera.
Then I started thinking about the constitutionality of all this – you have the right to carry a cell phone. You have the right to privacy.
But now the right to privacy is taking precedence to your right to communicate with your peeps just because people can’t control the click.
What happens when I forget to take my cell phone out of my gym bag and someone sees it and immediately thinks I am a pervert?
That’s not cool.
We all say, “What did we do before cell phones?”
Hopefully, we will still be able to use them after all this.
I think this lies in the hands of the cell phone manufacturers. Your job is to make cell phones, not cameras.
Can’t we just focus on cell phones?
Why don’t you work on my reception before you install the kitchen sink in my celly?
I think capitalism reigns supreme. If cell phone companies can make tons of money for the company, then go ahead and make them.
But, beware. If no one can use cell phones anywhere, then you won’t be selling anything.
I would hope cell phonescompanies would recognize they are the simple solution to this problem.
It would be a step back in the world to limit cell phone use.
I know that sounds materialistic and shallow, but we really would be out of luck if we had limited cell phone use.
Plus, I don’t see why these places are saying you have to get rid of camera cell phones.
If I am sick enough to take pictures of someone in the locker room with my camera phone, I am sick enough to take a picture of some with my really small camera that isn’t attached to a phone.
As far as the YMCA and Bally’s are concerned, the camera phones are the only enemy.
In reality, the enemy is the sick people that use otherwise beneficial technology for their perverted practices.
In that case, I don’t see how Bally’s and the Y are going to help anything by outlawing cell phone use.
That will just make people mad.
Say cheese!
Smile and say ‘privacy’
October 13, 2003

Smile and say ‘privacy’