SG sponsors teacher appreciation drive
On a day to day basis, we as students complain and hear complaints about our classes, our assignments and the horrible teachers that “lead” us in our studies.
Because the negatives are voiced more than the positives, great Professors and Instructors who really care about students are overlooked and under appreciated. In an effort to address this issue, the department of Academic Affairs of Student Government will be holding a “Teacher Appreciation” drive from Oct. 27 – Nov. 21.
Our focus is to applaud the Professors and Instructors who foster positive learning experiences in the classroom and also leave positive lasting impressions on their students.
For example, Brad Golson, a management junior, has nominated Dr. Kerry Sauley, a MGT 3200 professor. Brad has nominated Dr. Sauley for his ability to connect on a personal level with his students, his charismatic and entertaining style of teaching and obvious interest in the course he teaches.
Starting Oct. 27 and continuing through Nov. 21, students can submit nominations by email to [email protected]. Students must state the teacher they wish to nominate, why they want to nominate them, and the course number of the class the Professor/Instructor teaches/taught. Students can also submit handwritten forms of nomination via the Student Government purple board in the front of The Union.
After Nov. 21, all nominations will be reviewed and 15 submissions will be chosen based on quality and quantity of nominations. The 15 teachers will be recognized the week of Nov. 24.
We as students should be concerned with the quality of education we are receiving. If we want to continue to see positive changes in our education, we must be the catalysts of that change. The bar must be raised in higher education, and participation in the Teacher Appreciation Drive makes us an active force in this endeavor.
Jimmy Vermaelen, junior
Aimee Verrette, junior
Dept. of Academic Affairs
Student Government
Auburn band was as rude as ever Saturday
Auburn University continues its reputation for rudeness.
Just as it seemed we had put the days of cigars, stomping, and band-pushing behind us, another incident occurred at this past Saturday’s Tiger match-up.
I was completely appalled at the actions of the Auburn marching band when they struck up a song while our band was still on the field and playing at half-time.
It was the rudest display by a band that I’ve ever witnessed.
Playing at the same time while both bands are in the stands is acceptable, but doing so while one is putting on a show is beyond a slap in the face.
And on top of that, our band was specifically playing for the Auburn fans in the South endzone!
Even the announcer made that clear.
As much as people complain about LSU fans and their intensity when it comes to gameday, at least our football team, our coaches and our band maintain integrity.
It is one thing for football fans to be rude in their rivalries – it is almost expected.
It is a completely different ballgame when the athletic program and its affiliates get in on the act.
I look forward to the day when Auburn players, coaches and band grow up and let the football rivalry be played on the field in the sixty minutes allotted for it.
I think Auburn’s band can count on the fact that Frank Wickes will not be nominating them on his next Sudler Award Ballot.
Stephanie Case
graduate student
Letters to the Editor
October 28, 2003