Freedom of speech and freedom of the presses are freedoms that everyone in our great country can exercise and that mean so much to many colleges and universities across the nation.
However, I feel inclined to write this because of last semester’s and this summer’s poor articles.
It should be The Reveille’s job when reporting, to cover both sides of every story in order to
properly and thoroughly inform the students of LSU on issues that face our campus and nation. Lately, the majority of stories covered in The Reveille only present one side of an issue.
This is ridiculous and shows how poorly a job the campus paper is doing. So many of the articles are underresearched and seem to be based solely on personal opinion and personal frame of reference.
A word of advice, DO THE RESEARCH before printing out a lousy opinionated article with no substance.
As for the recent article dealing with DKE, why does The Reveille insist on highlighting every negative thing dealing with Greeks at LSU? I cannot remember the last time I saw a positive article about any one Greek organization.
As a member of a fraternity on campus, I know for a fact that there are so many positive activities and events that take place within the system that have never been reported on by The Reveille.
For instance, a certain fraternity on campus holds a breakfast with the Chancellor and all fraternity and sorority presidents each year to discuss issues that face LSU’s campus and ways to better the Greek Community. When this fraternity contacted The Reveille to obtain a reporter to cover the event, The Reveille did not send a reporter and stated the event was “not newsworthy.”
This is not the only time that The Reveille has given us the reply. That is simply pathetic. If you are not going to print the positive things every once in a while(this goes for any subject not just greeks) then WHY PRINT THE NEGATIVE ALL THE TIME?
And as far as Ms. Hannah Anderson’s articles go, The Reveille obviously needs to pay more attention to those they choose to hire as staff.
Once again, another “writer” who throws out garbage that I assume comes right off the top of her head and onto the page.
There is no research or substance to back her opinions. From now on I will stick to “Tiger Weekly,” a paper that presents both sides of arguments and is more fact based and well balanced. I suggest that others who feel as I do, do the same.
Richard Paul Rogers
Political Science
Letters to the Editor
July 15, 2003