Senior wide receiver and holder Blain Bech is returning to the practice field after a six-month hiatus. Bech began suffering from severe headaches in February and has finally received clearance to return to the team.
Bech visited numerous medical professionals, seeking the source of the problem.
“It’s been a lot of tedious things,” he said Tuesday. “I’ve gone through pretty much everything and finally the neurologist said that there is nothing that could go wrong that a hit could injure or anything.”
Bech said he did not receive any relief from his pain until visiting a chiropractor.
“The chiropractor said he probably found some injuries in my neck and that has helped my headaches,” Bech said. “It has been the only thing that has given me any relief. I’m happy about that. I don’t get hardly any anymore. It’s been alleviated a lot compared to what it was when I couldn’t get out of bed or do anything.”
The LSU coaches talked with Bech about possibly receiving a medical redshirt, a rarity for seniors, but he refused and said he is happy with his decision.
“The coaches were talking to me about medical redshirt and everything,” he said. “I told them I didn’t even want it. If I could just play one or two snaps the whole year, I would rather do that than sit out the whole year. I am glad I did now because now they have gone away and I can start practicing again.”
Bech is not expected to return to his starting holder position soon as he must first concentrate on getting back in game shape.
“Right now, I think the coaches are mostly concerned with seeing how I do in practice and if I can get back in shape,” Bech said.
He said he received numerous e-mails and letters from people all over the country offering him support and encouragement.
“I want them to know that I appreciate that,” Bech said.
Holder back for first time since Februar
September 17, 2003