Groupies can never resist a man with a guitar. Something about the whole aura of music just equates into male musicians having their pick of the ladies.
Dating a rock star is trendier now than ever. Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin of Coldplay, Renee Zellweger and Jack White of the White Stripes, even Kate Hudson and husband Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes are all making beautiful music.
It’s something natural. Women are meant to fall for musicians. The first boys I ever loved were New Kids on the Block. I can’t help it if the combo of unthreatening good looks and musical prowess was just the right stuff. Currently, I am convinced it is only a matter of time before singer/songwriter Jason Mraz and I elope. Granted I would probably still go on with the nuptials if Mraz did not woo me by singing “You and I Both” and “The Remedy,” but it definitely adds to his appeal.
An attractive man that makes music is twice as attractive as one that does not, and an ugly guy that makes music suddenly is not that ugly anymore.
Girls fall all over themselves for local musicians as well. Even though the object of our interest is just the singer in a local cover band, when he is on-stage covering early ’90s hits it still seems for a moment like he is a beautiful rock god.
John Mayer once said in an interview that the guitar was the ultimate airbrush, turning ugly men everywhere into the most in-demand men around. Girls swoon for a man sensitive enough to make music. After all, Mayer did write “Your Body is a Wonderland,” a song that will keep him from ever having a hard time finding a date.
Guys are well aware music works to make their dating lives easier. Just ask Chad Avre former front man of the now defunct local band McCloud.
“It shows girls that a guy has a romantic outlet; he has ability to write her songs, you know,” Avre said.
Guys fall for female musicians too. But some guys are intimidated by the strong personality of some women rockers.
Avre refutes that men find them more intimidating. He said he has female friends in bands with male suitors lined up for a chance to ask them out.
In my case, watching a boy’s eyes light up after telling him I play guitar is perfect proof. They are amazed a girl could be talented and sensitive. The idea of me or any other lady singing cute songs about puppies and flowers works in our favor.
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Afleck, the trendiest couple du jour, prove this fact. Ben was obviously dumbstruck with love after hearing Jen sing about how real she was.
At this rate, perhaps singles should be looking in the classifieds for used guitars instead of the personal ads. Let the music of love play on and help us all find a significant other.
Rock stars are new ‘hotties’
September 8, 2003