Who would win in a fight between professional wrestling and reality TV?
Week in and week out, reality television shows score fairly high in the ratings game. Sure, reality TV makes a lot of money because it’s cheap to produce. But, that doesn’t mean you have to watch it!
I blame you, the average consumer. No offense, but if people were not watching reality TV, I wouldn’t have to see the life of Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson played out on MTV. A 30-minute block of music videos could be airing instead.
If everyone stops watching shows like “Survivor” or “The Anna Nicole Show,” quality television would return in our daily lives.
It is time we stand up and fight the good fight against reality TV. That’s why I’m going to give you, my valued readers, the top 10 reasons, a la David Letterman, why watching professional wrestling is better than watching any reality television show.
10. Wrestling is more of a “real” television show than reality TV shows.
First of all, I know wrestling is fake, so don’t go there. Wrestling utilizes writers and actors just like “Friends” or “Everybody Loves Raymond.”
Reality TV gives the perception that everything is unplanned and improvised, but we don’t know for sure.
For example, “American Idol’s” controversy over who was the real winner out of Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard shows reality TV may be rigged, not improvised.
9. Wrestling has referees to control the fights.
Whenever I hear people talking about fights breaking out on “Real World” or “Making the Band 2,” all I can think about is these people just want television time.
If a referee would get involved in these fights, the fights would be cleaner and safer. The refs are there for the participants’ safety while making sure the match is entertaining for all viewers.
8. Wrestling merchandise (i.e. video games, t-shirts) is more fun and creative.
Who would want to play “Joe Millionaire” – The Game? It wouldn’t be a game worth my $50.
Would the “Joe Millionaire” t-shirt say, “I got to third base with Evan on Joe Millionaire”? Reality TV doesn’t have a good merchandising scheme.
Wrestling video games are fun to play, especially with a group of your friends. If you have a bad day, take your frustrations out on your opponent in the ring.
7. Wrestling offers more personal interaction.
People always can attend wrestling events. People can meet the wrestlers before or after a live event.
Only a select number of reality television shows such as “Last Comic Standing” allow you to get involved directly.
6. Wrestling characters are more interesting (with the exception of Ozzy Osborne).
Wrestling offers characters that may be played up, such as “The One Scarred for Life from a Childhood Trauma,” or the “Superhero in Training.”
Ryan Seacrest is not interesting. The guys from “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” are not interesting. Ozzy Osborne is interesting, but he’s the only one.
5. Entrance Music
Anyone on a reality TV show would be much cooler if they had their own entrance music.
The entrance music serves two purposes. First, it lets you know who is about to make their appearance. Second, the music pumps up the viewers at the show and those watching at home.
4. Wrestler’s names are better.
The Hurricane. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. The Undertaker. These names grab more interest than Billy, Bobby or Becky Sue. It’s all in the name.
3. Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and Any Other Foreign Objects.
There’s no greater pleasure than seeing a wrestler take a chair shot right in the head, or taking a trip through a table. Using unconventional objects in the ring makes for better television.
2. Color Commentary
Just think of how much better reality TV would be if two people gave live commentary. Set them up at an announcer’s table and let the magic fly. When “Trading Spaces” gets boring, the color commentary would bring the show back to life by making fun of what’s going on.
And finally, the number one reason why wrestling is better than reality TV….
1. Wrestling Superstars can “layith the smackdown” on any reality TV star.
They’re bigger and stronger. Need I say more?
Fight the good fight. Stop watching reality TV.
Time to get real, watch wrestling
September 11, 2003