Every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States, according to national statistics.
Although only one instance of sexual assault occurred on the University campus in 2002, and only one rape was reported on campus earlier this year, the University has policies in place to assist sexual assault victims.
The University’s Student Code of Conduct lists sexual assault as a violation of the code and an instance of non-academic misconduct.
“An individual who is mentally incapacitated, unconscious, or unaware that the sexual assault is occurring or is sufficiently impaired so as to be unable to render sound judgment is considered unable to give consent,” the code said.
Dean of Students Kevin Price said the sexual assault portion of the code has been in place since last August.
Price said a violation of that part of the code could result in a range of punishments, but would likely result in dismissal from the University.
“It’s a very serious offense,” Price said. “As a University, we want to spell out that that type of conduct is unacceptable.”
In addition, the Wellness Education Department has 13 volunteer staff and faculty members who serve as Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocates.
Kim Munro, Wellness Education coordinator, said the team was designed to provide support services for sexual assault survivors, as well as get an accurate account of the number of sexual assaults involving student survivors.
The advocates are specially trained University personnel who can help victims with such tasks as filing a police report, obtaining proper medical care and handling the University’s judicial process, as well as provide academic assistance.
Munro said the advocates serve a dual purpose of complying with the Clery Act, which requires colleges to report specific campus crime statistics and provide safety and crime information to the campus community, and providing resources to sexual assault survivors.
“The University system is very complex, and the advocates are trained to help in all aspects of the process,” Munro said.
Munro said sexual assault victims can visit the Wellness Education Web site at www.lsu.edu/wellness or call the Wellness Education department at 578-5718. After normal business hours, people can contact the Rape Crisis Center or the Battered Women’s Program, as well as the Baton Rouge Crisis Line at 924-5781.
University policy benefits victims of assault
September 24, 2003