Sex columnist needs to open mind
I was surprised and angered to read that bisexuality was a “fad” on level with “thrift store t-shirts” and “acid washed jeans” in today’s “The Morning After.” For all the progress “The Reveille” has made in becoming informed and informing the public on LGBT issues, obviously a lot more education is needed. Sarah Gernhauser’s latest column was a slap in the face to non-heterosexual and educated heterosexuals alike. First she negated the existence of people who fall between the poles on the sexuality spectrum, then she equated bisexuals with attention-hungry media whores. She is dead wrong.
One’s sexuality, like their gender doesn’t have to be “one or the other.” People fall all along the continuum of sexual attraction for whatever reason. But, if one is going to spout a biological impossibility of bisexuality theory, one had better really think it out and research it first. If sexual attraction is a simple matter of hormones as Gernhauser says (which I happen to disagree with, because I refuse to think that humans are merely a series of chemical reactions) – why couldn’t one have equal amounts of those hormones and be attracted to both genders? Bisexuals do exist, and they have at least since the ancient Greeks. If bisexuality is a biological impossibility, why has it lasted so long?
As for insinuating that bisexuals expressing affection in public is an attention-getting stunt ala Britney and Madonna, Gernhauser should be embarrassed at her own ignorance. First, how many people have the level of fame Britney Spears and Madonna? Not many. Most people will never get that level of attention in their life, so it?s stupid to suggest that everyday folks are doing anything for publicity. Secondly, How many straight people hold hands or kiss in public to show affection? Since I’ve been to Tigerland before, I know it’ s a lot. Is all of that PDA a publicity stunt too? Doubtful. Why don’t non-straight people deserve the same right to show their loved-one affection?
Finally, just because “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and “Boy Meets Boy” are doing well on television and Britney and Madonna kissed on MTV, please don’t suggest that the media or the public is embracing the LGBT community. Committed non-heterosexuals still don’t have the basic legal rights afforded to married straights. Members of the LGBT community are still beaten, harassed and discriminated against everyday for their sexuality (even on your own campus). In many states (including Louisiana), they can even be fired from their jobs for their sexuality with no legal recourse.
I hope Gernhauser, “being a heterosexual, naïve young female” and the sexual health columnist who is supposed to serve ALL of the campus community, will take some time to educate herself on non-heterosexuality. She is doing herself and her readership a huge disservice if she doesn’t. Spectrum meetings are every other Monday evening, and they do panels all over campus. I strongly suggest she attend.
Rebekah S. Monson
Portland, Ore.
Janitor column opens our eyes
I would like to commend Eric J. Gremillion’s column in praise of janitors. Mr. Gremillion has once again opened our eyes to a world that has previously been ignored. Today’s janitors must keep up with the society in which we live, one that disregards trash cans and instead sees the earth as one giant landfill. LSU is no exception. I think we should all take a page out of Mr. Gremillion’s book and take time to thank those who clean up after us. To the janitors: keep sweepin’! To Eric Gremillion: keep writing!
Christine A. Hagius
Letters to the Editor
September 26, 2003