A well-known sports magazine is experiencing high traffic on its Web site thanks to one poll and one spirited Tiger.
Athlon Sports magazine, a 38-year-old sports publication, has recently included Lacey Minchew, an LSU Golden Girl, in its Sideline Spirit Contest.
Athlon Sports publishes 13 preseason regionalized sports annuals covering professional and college athletics. Its Web site said it is the No. 1 ranked sports annual, based on retail sales dollars and magazines sold.
Bill Trocchi, Athlon Sports interactive editor, said for the past 10 years each annual has featured a section for cheerleaders, but this summer was the first time the spirit section was put online.
The spirit section currently features the Sideline Spirit Contest, which matches up a cheerleader or dancer from each NCAA conference.
Athlon chose Minchew to represent the Southeastern Conference after seeing some pictures of her taken at the 2003 Cotton Bowl, Trocchi said.
The publication will choose representatives from six different conferences every three weeks during the college football season.
Minchew is currently in her second week on the poll, and this round will close in about one week.
The six representatives receiving the most votes in each round will move into the final round. The winner will receive $1,000 for her spirit organization, Trocchi said.
The winner also will be featured in an Athlon Sports magazine next year.
Trocchi said he has gotten a lot of positive feedback about the spirit competition.
“We haven’t gotten anything close to the traffic we are getting for this poll,” Trocchi said. “Our traffic is way up.”
Trocchi said the site’s polls usually receive about 10,000 votes, but the spirit poll has already generated more than 19,000, and fans still have another week to vote.
Minchew has received more than 45 percent of the fan support with about 9,000 votes.
Minchew was overwhelmed by the amount of support she has received.
Students and Tiger fans from a variety of locations have posted messages below the polling results in support of Minchew.
“She is dedicated to everything she does and always gives her all,” said Brad, a Tiger fan who posted to Athlon’s site. “She is the most beautiful person inside and out.”
Other fans describe Minchew as a talented dancer and a dedicated Tiger fan.
“Don’t be fooled by her good looks and beautiful smile,” wrote Patti in another post. “Underneath it all she is just as beautiful and has worked hard to get where she is today.”
One Tiger fan even posted a notice requesting a date with the Golden Girl.
Minchew said she has really appreciated the comments from her friends, family, Tiger Band members and other Tiger fans.
“It’s definitely a compliment,” Minchew said. “It’s amazing. I didn’t know that people would write such nice stuff about me. It’s really great to know you have such really good friends.”
Minchew also said she recognizes the true nature of the poll.
“It’s not about me,” Minchew said. “It’s all about LSU.”
Several supporters who posted comments mentioned that Minchew is a true Tiger fan.
Fans can vote, view results and post comments at www.athlonsports/spirit. Voting for the first round, which includes Minchew, will end Sept. 29, but the final round will take place between Nov. 30 and Jan. 4, the day of the NCAA National Championship.
Web site seeks spirit on sidelines
September 19, 2003