At a University as large as LSU, there are many treasures hidden around campus. The basement of Coates Hall houses one of them: Career Services.
Located in B-1, Career Services personnel and counselors are just waiting to help students.
With services such as Career Decision Making, Career Exploration, Job Search and Employment Services, Career Services has something for any student who enters its doors, especially those who are uncertain about what major to pursue.
I had heard about Career Services when I attended spring Testing in Spring 2000, but since I already had a major in mind, I didn’t visit the center when I first arrived.
In fact, the first time I visited Career Services was to interview a counselor for a story for my very first journalism class.
It was an experience I would never forget. Not only did I get information for my story, but I pretty much confirmed that my decision to major in journalism was the right career for me.
No, I didn’t take one of the many personality tests they offer, but I did have a long talk with the counselor about what I expected to get out of my college career. She encouraged me to join organizations and get involved.
I never forgot her advice and joined a new organization every year. This was one of the best things I could have done because I have gained leadership and people skills by participating in community service projects through these organizations.
My sophomore year, I attended a Career Services workshop to find out more about interviewing with potential employers. I now receive e-mails from them to let me know when employers are coming to campus for interviews.
A very important day for me is Mass Communication Recruitment Day, when mass communication companies come to campus to interview students.
Other departments, such as education, also have these special recruitment days, which Career Services announces in their e-mails when you sign up with them.
After talking with the counselor, I signed up for the Career Services job-finding Web site called TigerTRAK.
Last summer, I needed a part-time job and I found it by searching their Web site.
TigerTRAK not only has information on part-time jobs, but has job posts for internships, co-ops and even full-time employment. It also has information on volunteer opportunities.
Career Day is one of the largest events Career Services hosts for students.
While I think it’s important for everyone, even freshmen, to attend Career Day, this year is going to be even more significant for me because it’s my senior year.
I’m going to grab some resumés and head out to various booths to see if I can find the job for me.
I encourage you to do the same.
Student stresses advantages of using Career Services
September 17, 2003