I’m still here. I’m leaving Thursday, but until then, I will continue to lazy it up at my mom’s house, pumping myself up by watching travel movies such as “Roman Holiday.” Strangely enough, the movies don’t make me want to be a world traveler but a hermit in my own state.
Is it odd that I am homesick already? Even now, as I type in New Orleans, I yearn for the comforts of life in the USA. The taste of cheddar-flavored Combos, the wind through my hair as I drive on the right side of the road and my doggie’s teeth in my skin when I try to pet him.
Talking about these worries earns hurtful consolations like, “Quit being a baby, Baby.” I realize that I am being an even bigger brat than Jessica Simpson on her addictive reality show, “Newlyweds.” Hang your wet towels up like a normal celebrity, Jessica!
Sorry, I digress. But that begs the question, what about my American television?! Who’s hooking up at the “Paradise Hotel?” Is Ryan in jail again in the “O.C.?” Somebody call “Reno 911!”
It makes me anxious. Besides a pain in my chest, I think I’m getting worry lines. So as a sort of catharsis, I’ve compiled a therapeutic list of stuff I’ll miss. (Not included is family and friends, the ranking of which would lead to a civil war.)
My clothes: Because of serious luggage restrictions – as in, I can only bring four bags on the plane – I was instructed by several travel guides to decide what clothes I want and halve that. Smart. But painful.
American currency: I was seized by an inappropriate fit of giggles when I saw the euros and pounds. The notes are various shades of pastel and may contain pictures of Charles Darwin. Darwin! Pro: the sizes of the pretty notes increase with the denomination. Con: the 20-pound note is so tall that it doesn’t fit in my wallet. I don’t think I’ll have a problem spending the cash on account of its Monopoly-esque appearance.
Southern hospitality: The older ladies of my church gave me advice to beware pickpockets and gypsies, which, while sensible, is what I hope is a misconception of Europeans. Nevertheless, I will miss the charm and grace of Louisiana. Just the other day my friend gave a Bourbon Street dweller a mint julep-filled go cup. Now that’s courtesy.
LSU Football: Who cares how much it rains, the games are enthralling. How can I cheer with no Golden Band from Tigerland?
Tivo: Oh, Tivo, we were just getting acquainted! You and those Gregory Peck movies you recorded were the remedy to a boring summer. I will count the hours until our blessed reunion.
My grandma’s Chinese food: Technically, food is neither family nor friends,and this is my list, so I’ll write what I want. So Grandma, I will miss going to your house every Sunday and eating you out of house and home. Best cook ever.
for travel’s sake
September 3, 2003