Dear Tim,
I started playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!! for the original Nintendo. When I used to play it a long time ago I could get past Soda Popinski. Now I could finally make it to Mike Tyson, but he knocks me out three times before the first minute of the first round. How can I beat him and finally get over with this game so I can study for my tests? — “KNOCKED OUT”
I feel your pain. I, too, am a fan of Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!! for the good ol’ Nintendo NES. Here goes. There are a few things you can do to give Mike Tyson a run for his money. First, in between rounds, tap the “select” button repeatedly. This will up your energy bar and give you a better chance at beating your opponent. However, I suggest you only use that trick toward the end of the match because you can only use it once per game.
Next, there is an easy win option that could come in handy in the matches preceding Mike Tyson. Hopefully, this will help you get back to studying earlier. All you have to do is attack your opponent two or more times until you see he is blinking red and move toward the left. Then, crush him by rapidly pressing the up and “A” button about six times. Your opponent will try to block, but all you have to do is repeat this process until he is out. After all that, if you are still desperate for easy wins, you can skip straight to Mike Tyson by entering the following code: 007 373 5963.
Dear Tim,
I have a small problem. I was at a bar the other night and saw a guy from one of my classes. I decided to go up to him and say hello. After talking for a little while, I decided he was a pretty attractive guy. Anyway, he and I got together and a few days later, I found out he is a freshman. Not a regular freshman, but a freshman who happens to be my good friend’s little brother. What do I do? — “SENIORITIS”
First of all, how did you not know he was your friend’s bro? Maybe you should try to explain to the guy that you didn’t know he was your friend’s brother. Try to explain to him that makes you uncomfortable and that you think things should cool down. If I were him, I would probably be OK with that. Plus, maybe your friend won’t care. If you really like him, then maybe you should explain to him that you have to approach the situation a little differently. Be seen together around your friend and she will start to put two and two together. She doesn’t have to know he bought you a dollar call at a bar and you were so charmed that you shacked up on the first night. Look, your friend would be crazy if she went ballistic on you for something so stupid. Just address the situation with boy and no one will get hurt.
2 Cents
March 22, 2004

2 Cents