Parking affecting student’s grades
I know people are tired of hearing this, but parking is out of control. While I still pay the same amount for parking every year, Kirby Smith lot has been reduced to a third of the size it once was. If I dare to park in a residential area, oh the horrors! I get a $10 ticket!
On Monday, February 2, I arrived at school twenty minutes before class started. I searched and searched for a parking spot to no avail. Finally, when it was only four minutes before class, I gave up. I realized that, despite paying for a parking spot, I don’t deserve one. Only the residents do. I missed an important family function to come to class. I really did not want to miss this class because I registered for it late and need all the notes I can get.
Oh well, I can at least take comfort in the fact that, supposedly, “the parking situation at other schools is even worse.” I will just remember that when I receive a mediocre grade (if I’m lucky) in the course. I’m so glad that Student Government is here to give me reassurances like that one.
Russell Godwin
Political Science
A conservative’s view on gay marriage
I am writing in response to an editorial on Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 by Ethan Guagliardo.
Gay marriages are justifiable if companionship and sexual gratification are marriage’s ultimate purpose.
However, this goes against what every culture in history has acknowledged to be the center of marriage: the rearing and raising of children.
Happiness is a factor in any relationship, but it has never been the primary reason for marriage.
This is because happiness produces little to no definite benefit for society. Children, on the other hand, produce an obvious benefit to our society.
The survival of our society has always depended upon the survival of the family, and we owe our continual survival to the family — more specifically, the relations between a man and a woman in the institute that is marriage.
The Canadian TV show host Michael Coren commented, “If marriage is suddenly fundamentally altered to include people of the same gender, it loses its genuine meaning to the rest of us. We may include the earthworm in the cat family. Does this make worms feline? Of course not. But it destroys the definition of cat.”
Paul Catalanotto
Bush lied about Iraqi weapons
On Wednesday Dr. Kay, a former weapons inspector in Iraq testified in front of a Senate committee that the United States was wrong about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
It was almost a year ago that President Bush addressed the nation that he was going to send troops to Iraq to engage in war. One of the main justifications of that war was that the United States was sure that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Today we know for sure that Iraq did not have any of those weapons of mass destruction.
Now that this report has come to light will the White House come out and say that they were wrong?
I do not think so, because in light of this report now the White House will conduct their own investigation. It is not enough to trust the people who were appointed to do their job. The White House must know for them if Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
If the United States had listened to the UN weapons inspectors we would have known that Iraq did not have any weapons of mass destruction.
This leads to a very serious point. The President of the United States lied to the American people. I do not know about you, but I would not want to have a President that lies to me. Are we quick to forget about how Clinton lied?
It seems to me that our President was only going in Iraq to complete what his predecessor and father could not do.
With 2004 being an election year we must think about what this President has done for America.
He has sent our troops to Iraq to fight a preventive war. More soldiers have died after official combat was over than in actual combat. Americans have lost 2 million jobs and the economy has not been up in more than three years.
I can tell you that Bush has lied to this nation about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.
What else will he lie about in the future if he is re-elected?
Darnell St. Romain
Letters to the Editor
February 3, 2004