Smoke filled the Nuclear Science Center on Monday night after asmall fire broke out around 7 p.m. in a first floor room containinglow levels of radioactive waste.
The cause of the fire, which occurred in a locked room, wasunknown at press time.
LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adams said a passer-by noticed smoke in thebuilding, located on the corner of Fieldhouse and South CampusDrives, and notified police. Police then contacted the East BatonRouge Fire Department.
Adams said police ordered a building evacuation as firefighterssearched for fire and the cause of the incident. Only one man wasbelieved to be in the building at the time of the fire.
No injuries were reported, and police do not suspect arson inthe incident. Fire Department spokesman Barry Mounce said theremight be some damage to a wall in the room.
After the fire was contained, firefighters set up a fan in thefront door of the building to suck smoke out of the building.
Mounce said firefighters and investigators who entered thebuilding were tested for radioactive contamination, but all resultscame back negative.
Fire strikes radioactive room in Nuclear Sciences
November 9, 2004