An unidentified construction worker from W.G. Yates and SonsConstruction was injured late Monday evening when a board hit himin the back while he was working the Tiger Stadium additions.
The man was working in a pit between two concrete walls when theinjury occurred. His injuries appeared to be minor, LSUPD Maj.Ricky Adams said.
Adams said police received the call around 8 p.m. from theconstruction site. He said it is protocol that the police and firedepartments be notified when an accident occurs on the constructionsite, regardless of the extent of the injuries.
“He’ll probably be back to work tomorrow,”Adams said.
Rescue workers strapped the man, who remained conscious, to abackboard and pulled him out of the hole with the aid of a cranearound 8:45 p.m..
Adams said the man was transported to Our Lady of the Lakehospital as a precaution.
His name was not released by press time, pending notification ofthe man’s family.
Worker hurt while renovating stadium
November 9, 2004
Worker hurt while renovating stadium