LSUPD arrested Elena Wolfe, a 21-year-old West Campus Apartmentsresident, Friday for filing a false police report.
Wolfe told police an unidentified man entered her secureapartment between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. on October 4. She claimed theman “wrestled” her on her bed and forced her to leave with himacross campus where he pushed her in a ditch near East CampusApartments.
She also said he stabbed her sometime during the struggle.
But police say Wolfe made up the incident.
LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adams said police investigated the evidence andworked with experts from the FBI Academy Behavioral Science Unit inQuantico, Va. to conduct several interviews with Wolfe.
“She stabbed herself,” Adams said. “This is a false victim.”
LSUPD issued Wolfe a misdemeanor charge of CriminalMischief.
Wolfe could not be reached at press time.
WCA incident falsified
October 18, 2004