There is an issue that has been lurking around campus that Ihave observed and feel the need to address: heartbreaks. And no,not the heartbreaks that some jerk gave you, this is a sportscolumn after all and I am not that type of girl.
I’m talking about the severe kind, the kind you can onlyget from your favorite sports team when they let you down yetagain.
For starters, the Chicago Cubs have blown a chance at theplayoffs once again. How much can a Cubs fan’s hearttake?
The wildcard race was in full swing and the optimists believedthey would pull through but no such luck. No luck at all —after all they did drop a series to the Mets. The New YorkMets!
If last season was not bad enough. That was one long, coldwinter boys and it looks like it’s going to be anotherone.
Steve Bartman, you are not my friend. I will not agree withother sports writers when they ask God to bless your soul. Keepyour hands to yourself. As for me, I will keep on trucking in myMark Prior jersey until next season.
It is about that time again in the NFL when our beloved Saintsare scheduled to knock us down as always.
Every year it is the same story. They win a few thrillers andget us excited only to blow a game to Arizona and let Emmitt Smith,who is in the midst of entering a retirement home, run all overthem.
A wise coach once said to his players, “Gentlemen, takeout your billfolds and pay back all these people who paid to comewatch a sorry excuse for a ballgame.”
If Jim Haslett made this same request, the Saints would owe me,along with a majority of campus, a load of money.
Who can forget the fun slogan “Who let the dogs out? JimHas Lett the dogs out.” Jim has not let anything out sincegetting us to our first playoff win. Jim Has Lett some mutts outsince then — a mixed breed of some weak dog who can’tput up a fight with a cat.
And now it seems a new team has entered our heartbreak category:our very own LSU Tigers.
At least they can say they have won a championship this century.Maybe we just have too many expectations for LSU now, but it isstill no excuse for some of the mistakes they are making.
So, Tigers before you go out of the top 25 and into a categoryincluding the Saints and Cubs, step it up and fight your wayback.
After all, we do not want to pull out the paper bags to hide ourfaces in shame.
Cubs, Saints disgrace
October 5, 2004