The unwelcome blue screen or odd noises coming from the harddrive are computer problems that leave many people confused andsearching for answers. But there is one group that is ready tohelp.
Originally developed in Minneapolis, Minn. in 1994, the GeekSquad began with one computer inspector riding a bicycle to makecomputer repairs. From there, the company has expanded greatly.
In 2001, a Minneapolis newspaper retired their “Best ComputerService” award after the Geek Squad received the honor for thefifth time.
One year later in 2002, the Squad teamed up with the electronicsuperstore Best Buy, and in 2004 expanded to more than 600’precincts’ located in every Best Buy store in North America,according to their official Web site.
Cruising along in their Volkswagen Beetles with the Geek Squadlogo on the exterior, sporting their ‘special agent badges,’ blackpants and shoes, short-sleeved white shirts, and breakaway blackties, the agents make numerous computer repairs.
The squad operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day, makinghouse or office calls. They also provide services within Best Buystores during normal store hours, and are available for phoneassistance through their 1-800 number, according to the Best BuyWeb site.
“Our agents will arrive on time, not in a time window,” is onemotto the group follows, according to their official Web site.
Some of the services they provide include repairing crashed harddrives, securing networks from intruders, reviving dead laptops andcontaining virulent outbreaks. They also offer civilian serviceswhich include one-on-one computer training.
Currently, the Geek Squad is seeking qualified agents to mantheir locations inside Best Buy stores, according to the site.
Qualified agents should have a vast knowledge of Windows and/orMacintosh hardware, software and home networking skills. They alsoshould have a valid driver’s license with a clean record in orderto make house calls.
As far as costs are concerned, the Geek Squad charges only flatrates to repair computers, as opposed to hourly billing.
To utilize the Geek Squad’s services or find out moreinformation about them, students can visit a nearby Best Buy storeor visit
‘Geek squad’ offers in-home repairs
October 29, 2004