Whether exploring a Mayan temple or sitting on the left bank inParis, students have a chance to experience international culturethrough learning with the International Student ExchangeProgram.
Jane Chandler, Academic Programs coordinator, said studyingabroad is a great way for students to enhance their collegeexperience.
“When you go abroad, you might not come back,” Chandlersaid.
Chandler said money usually is what holds students back, butthere are scholarships available to help with the cost.
She said the University can give students up to $3,000 a year,and they still can receive financial aid, such as the TOPS award,as long as the University approves it.
Chandler said the Academic Programs office works closely withstudents to make sure they are able to afford the expenses ofliving in another country.
With the program, students pay all LSU tuition and fees beforethey leave, Chandler said. This way they have nothing to pay whenthey get there except books and personal expenses.
Part of the application process requires students to submit twoletters of recommendation and a letter of purpose explaining whythey want to study abroad and what their goals are while they arethere. Then, they must go through an interview process and areasked questions about the country where they are planning tostudy.
Students have to be full time and must take all of their examswhile in another country, Chandler said.
Chandler said it is important for students to have the supportof their family and friends. They need to be supportive becausenon-supportiveness is one of the reasons students choose not to go,she said.
Alex Browing, an American studies junior from southeast England,is studying at LSU for a year.
“It’s very different over here,” Browing said. “I was quiteexcited to come here, but I’ve experienced quite a bit of cultureshock.”
Browing said she would recommend for other students from hercountry to study abroad in the United States.
“For the most part, people here have been really nice,” Browingsaid. “But some of them tell me I have a funny accent.”
Alan Comer, an international trading finance senior, studied inLeicester, England for a year, thanks to the International ExchangeProgram.
Comer said the atmosphere in Europe is much more laid back thanit is in the United States.
Comer said the classes he took in Europe were much easier thanclasses at LSU. He said he took as many hours as he would havehere, but he had much more free time because there was only oneexam at the end of each semester.
He said the best part of his experience was the fact that he hada year to travel and socialize with people from differentcountries.
Comer said he met students from all over the United States whoalso were on exchanges, and he still keeps in touch with them.
“I had a friend from Europe visit me over fall break,” Comersaid.
Comer said everyone should study abroad if they get the chancebecause it looks great on resumes and is a lot of fun.
William Arden, a geography and anthropology graduate student,studied abroad one semester at the University of Essex inComchester, England.
“I was the first student from LSU to go there,” Arden said.
He said it was a great learning experience, but the UnitedStates learning system is more advanced than England’s.
Arden also suggested every University student should studyabroad. He said many people think it is too expensive, but thereare many opportunities for scholarships and grants that make itcheaper than most people think.
Chandler said studying abroad is a lot of fun, but she warnsstudents that it will not be the easiest thing they will everdo.
“You’re not going to Disney World,” she said. “This is reallife.”
Student exchange program a good learning experience
October 17, 2004