Will Ferrell is one of the many successful comedians to leaveSaturday Night Live, and now he attempts to continue a string ofhit films with his latest movie, “Anchorman.”
This time, Ferrell is Ron Burgundy who, despite his intense lackof intelligence, is the number one anchorman in 70’s San Diego.Ferrell plays Burgundy as a pompous bafoon who reads anything offof the TelePrompTer, drinks lots of scotch and loves theladies.
The film centers around Burgundy and his news team as thenetwork introduces a female reporter. The news team is furiousbecause they do not believe an anchor-lady should be allowed ontheir turf.
As much as “Anchorman” would love to be a satirical look atsexist ’70s anchormen, it really is just an excuse for Will Ferrellto impersonate Burt Reynolds with a fake mustache. Ferrell leavesthe rest of the cast clamoring to make their characters outrageousenough to steal the limelight.
“Anchorman” is the journalist equivalent to Ben Stiller’s modelin “Zoolander,” but hopefully Ron Burgundy will do more for Ferrellthan Derrick Zoolander did for Stiller.
Ferrell’s persona outweighs every character he plays. Audienceswatch “Will Ferrell dressed up like an elf” or “Will Ferrelldressed up like an anchorman,” rather than watching Ferrell as acharacter. But Ferrell never disappoints those looking for hisunique brand of comedic timing.
The film is a romp through Ferrell’s comedy. The plot does notreally make sense, but it never claimed it would. Ferrell cavortsaround making off-color comments and perfecting his caricature ofan anchorman. Ferrell and his gang of comedians go just aboutanywhere to make audiences laugh with gory physical comedy in ananchorman rumble, to a bizarre animated sequence and even animalhumor.
Though the center of Anchorman is undoubtedly Will Ferrell, thefilm is filled with an all-star comedic cast.
Christina Applegate plays Veronica Corningstone. Appelgateproves she is more than just the former cast member of “Married . .. With Children.” Applegate succeeds at holding her own againstFerrell.
The film is peppered with hilarious appearances from the best ofmodern comedy. Vince Vaughn is the second place anchorman toFerrell and plays his typical swaggering character — smokingcigarettes and telling Burgundy to stay on his side of town. JackBlack is an angry motorcyclist. Ben Stiller is a Spanishnewscaster. Tim Robbins takes a turn at comedy with his bit part asthe public broadcasting anchorman. Luke Wilson plays the thirdplace local anchorman and blatantly rips off “Monty Python and theHoly Grail” when he loses both of his arms. Steve Carell of “TheDaily Show” plays the mentally challenged weatherman. Paul Rudd isthe tough Man on the Street, Brian Fantana. Fred Willard of “AMighty Wind” and “Best in Show” is news producer Ed Harken whosechildren are somewhat crazy.
The movie runs like an extended Saturday Night Live sketch, andlike SNL it is not always the finest in comedy. The film is mainlya vehicle for a hefty supply of comedians to goof around, as muchof the film was improvised.
But “Anchorman” does a good job of accomplishing what it set outto do. The movie is a great Will Ferrell film, and a nice chancefor Ferrell fans to laugh at something besides his “SNL: Best ofWill Ferrell” DVD.
Ferrel attempts satirical portrait of ‘Anchorman’
July 12, 2004
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